INTEREXPERT CZ was founded in 1990, i.e., as soon as the political changes of 1989 leading to democracy in the then Czechoslovakia and the changes to the legislation allowed establishment of private companies. In the initial years the company focused on internal development in the emerging market, and very soon it established itself in the field of implementation of major privatization projects. At the same time it concentrated on cooperation with companies from the old EU countries and the U.S. which were entering Czech market at the time.
The start of cooperation with the European Commission in the provision of audits in 1998 was a logical outcome of INTEREXPERT’s activities in the first decade of its existence.
INTEREXPERT’s activities in the first decade of its existence. During the following period the company became a respected partner in the implementation of public contracts awarded by the Czech Republic as well as commercial projects of hundreds of private companies. INTEREXPERT is one of the three major suppliers of services for private and public entities in science and research in the Czech Republic and has performed thousands of audits. Since 2010 our specialization has been compliance audit. INTEREXPERT focuses on improvement of business performance, including identification of deviations and pathological phenomena in the subsidiaries of international owners.
We have a team of friendly, highly skilled experts who are tested on regular basis by checks carried out by the European Commission or the European Court of Auditors.
Thanks to our everyday international cooperation each and every one of us has the right combination of humbleness and self-confidence. We transfer the experience acquired abroad also to Czech companies which subsequently increase their value in the market and successfully expand internationally.